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Somerset Basketball 2021 AGM Minutes

118Tags: AGM, SBL

The 2021 AGM for Somerset Basketball took place at Richard Huish College on Monday 23rd August. These are the minutes and notes from the meeting.

Present: Mason Galloway (SB Chairperson & Bridgwater Bucs) MG, Gary Carter (Taunton Tigers) GC, Toby Veale (Taunton Dragons) TV, Kestutis Mickevicius (Baltics) KM

Apologies: Jim Hartston, Ian Spearman, Jack Adams, Paul Yabsley

Chairperson Update: Not much to update on due to no season last year due to Covid19.

Basketball England Membership Funds are being redirected, in short, the league used to get a kick back from BE on all Reg fees. This is no longer happening and instead is being funded to regions. As such some leagues are changing structure, Somerset will not be.

No committee reports given at present; no issues due to the lack of season from previous.

Plans for 2021/22 Season

Update for all that Comets will unfortunately not be entering SBL this season. Whilst disappointing we wish them well and hope to see them back in 2022/23. MG will have further dialogue with them around support.

New Teams being added in Taunton Tornados 2 and Huish Tigers Development.


With Comets withdrawing it was agreed we would simply remove the games and if a natural point in the year arose to bring games forward this will be communicated.

MG explained the importance of spacing fixtures to allow greater flexibility for referees and to support our small group which was unanimously agreed.

Bucs are considering switching the 1st and 2nd team game days over which will free up Igors Kuznecovs to referee and support the club’s players. This showed no issue to those in attendance and again supports availability of officials on Fridays.


MG reiterated CV19 is still prevalent and a simple flow of actions will be put in place for any potential issues or cases.


GC suggested the creation of a league WhatsApp group to aid instant communication, which again was unanimously agreed by the attendees. MG to speak to teams and create, strict rules and usage of the group will need to be enforced to ensure it is positive and productive.

GC Has asked about potential to use SBL Socials and reach to drive forward club awareness and recruit. MG to speak to PY about potential of this.


TV Suggested they may have table official issues, GC offered support with locating some across Taunton and the use of a league WhatsApp will help.

KM Questioned registration process which is the same as previous years. Players do so online themselves. GC is going to screen record a video to send to Baltics. If anyone does need support MG will send around BE help sheet.


MG explained that with a 7 team schedule with 42 regular season games, the cost would need to be around £300 per team, this would give a £50 budget per game. With £15 per ref and games only being in Taunton or Bridgwater travel will be reduced. MG to finalise this figure with Francis and Ian.

MG explained PY is happy to waive the league website fee this season if it can be redirected into league development etc, more on this later!


GC is trying to put on a refereeing course, aiming for either late October or before Christmas with a backup of February. This is linked into Exeter Basketball to run a joint course to train and develop new officials.

MG happy for the league to explore funding teams wanting to put forward new officials but would need to ensure there is failsafe to protect league investment. I.e. new refs being accountable to officiate set number of games for 2 seasons etc.

MG to speak to Ian about refs for this year and any known issues.

Great news that Jim is potential going to be re available for some games given the excellent experience he found at the ‘Fab Four’ this weekend.

MG to speak to Ian about others such as Dave Hatrey, Matt Nolan etc supporting again if needed?

Election of new officers

No one has stepped forward as chair, MG to continue until a suitor is found.

GC reiterated that with a WhatsApp group and regular communication pressure could be relived from MG or new chair and help make clubs more accountable. Which is positive and going to be implemented.

No other changes were announced or proposed at this time.

MG to check on others and their positions to continue.

Meeting Notes End.